Introduction to Marist Laity

Father Jim - Could We Raise A Barn?

Father Jim’s homily begins with an analogy to barn raising in American farming communities, where everyone comes together to build a barn for a neighbor in need. He draws a parallel to St. George’s Maronite Church in Thornleigh, where the parishioners contributed their skills—many being bricklayers and concreters—to construct the church nearly free of labor costs. This example highlights the power of community collaboration and shared responsibility in building something lasting. However, Father Jim reflects on the current situation in his own parishes, OLHC Epping and St. Gerard’s Carlingford, acknowledging that while they may not have the physical skills to build a church, they possess spiritual gifts that are just as vital in strengthening the Church, the Body of Christ.

A Guide to leadership - Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek's presentation, 'A Guide to Leadership,' explores the true essence and challenges of leadership. He emphasizes that leadership is not about being in charge but about taking care of those in our charge. Sinek points out that most people are trained to be good at their jobs, but there's a lack of training in how to lead others. This gap often results in managers who micromanage instead of true leaders.

Rewiring Negative Self Talk

The presentation starts by illustrating how the mind is a natural storyteller, making connections and creating narratives to understand the world. This is demonstrated through a quirky exercise where the audience is asked to consider how a desk could be the mother of a chair, highlighting the mind's tendency to form stories even in the absence of logical connections.

Sister Vicki Celebrates 25 years

Sister Vicki Celebrates 25 years as a Marist Missionary Sister


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Top Rated Web pages for January 2025
1Social Justice Statement - Cry for the Poor
Our challenge is to accompany people from the margins into a journey towards the fullness of life and love. We are meant to be in the coalface, in the messiness of it all and at the same time in fidelity to the Gospel… Like Christ in his ministry among the sick and the lost, we are called to meet God in the most unlikely people and places. We, too, must be in that frontier space.
2Why My Father Did not Pray - Father Jim
Father Jim’s speech, 'Why My Father Didn't Pray', reflects on prayer as a relationship with God rather than simply a way of informing God about our needs. He compares God’s desire for us to express our desires and fears directly to the relationship between parents and children, where parents cherish when children openly share their hearts. Father Jim explains that just as a parent prefers their child’s honest communication, God wants us to trust Him enough to voice our hopes, regrets, and dreams. Using the story of Jesus healing the blind man, he emphasizes that God, like Jesus, invites us to name our deepest desires and speak them openly in prayer. Through this process, we exercise and refine our desires, as St. Augustine says, by bringing our true needs to light and aligning them with God’s will. Father Jim contrasts the blind man's prayer for healing, which Jesus grants, with the disciples’ desire for status, which Jesus lovingly redirects, helping them grow. In this way, honest prayer can help us understand our true needs and allow God to purify our desires, drawing us closer in relationship with Him.
3Mindful Colouring - Jesus temptation in the desert
Pray this prayer with your family, community, school or friends. Download the prayer. PRINT the prayer for each person. Spend 15 minutes praying through mindfulness. In Drawing, Colouring, Writing, Sharing, Discussion, and Song. Tell your family. Set a time. Pray mindfully.
4Father Kevin Bates - RIP
Our dear brother Kevin Bates died peacefully this morning, January 31, at RNSH.

His funeral mass will take place at Holy Name of Mary Church, Hunters Hill, on Wednesday, February 7, at 10.30am.
5Song - Deep Cries Out
And I've got a river of living water. A fountain that never will run dry (Sing it out). And it's open heaven You're releasing. And we will never be denied. ('Cause we're stirring up)

Recent Comments Added

Song - How Deep The Fathers Love For Us
    Mary - What insights and perspectives might Mary have shared with the early believers about Jesus teachings, his ministry, and his ultimate sacrifice?
    (By A. D. - Marist Laity - from AUSTRALIA - 2024-3-8)

Story - Saint John Vianney - Third Order Marist
    Church Documents - How can the sacrament of Reconciliation help us experience the merciful love of Jesus Christ and foster a deeper relationship with God?
    (By A. D. - Marist Laity - from AUSTRALIA - 2024-3-8)

Canberra - Youth Ministry Equiping School
    Mary - I wonder how Marys relationship with the early Church evolved over time and what insights her continued presence and support brought to the ongoing mission of the Church.
    (By A. D. - Marist Laity - from AUSTRALIA. - 2024-3-3)

Movie - Cabrini
    Quote - Life is not a series of difficult decisions, it is a series of moments. And every moment, the choice is simple love or fear. - Shauna Niequist
    (By A. D. - Marist Laity - from AUSTRALIA. - 2024-3-3)

How to parent a teen from a teens perspective
    Family - I wonder how parents can encourage their children to have a positive mindset.
    (By A. D. - Marist Laity - from AUSTRALIA. - 2024-3-1)

Mindful Colouring - Woman at the well
    Social Justice - I wonder how engaging in regular moments of silence or meditation can help us cultivate a sense of inner stillness and clarity, enabling us to respond more effectively to the challenges and injustices we encounter in the world.
    (By A. D. - Marist Laity - from AUSTRALIA. - 2024-2-29)

Blog - Transforming Pain
    Quote - The difficulty we have in accepting responsibility for our behavior lies in the desire to avoid the pain of the consequences of that behavior. - Scott Peck
    (By A. D. - Marist Laity - from AUSTRALIA - 2024-2-19)