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Marist Laity Australia Newsletter - September 2024 Marist Laity Australia
15 September 2024
The Marist Laity Australia September 2024 newsletter highlights several key initiatives and reflections. Cathy Larkin shares insights on grace and faith, reflecting on her visits to a residential aged care facility. Margaret Woods offers a reflection on the Marist founders' pledge at Fourvière, encouraging the continuation of their mission through love and compassion. The newsletter also features a modern Marist pilgrimage across Sydney’s Harbour Bridge, inspired by the founders' journey. Additionally, it discusses Mercy College Chatswood’s Street Retreats, where students engage with Sydney’s homeless community, and 'The Other Half' program, which connects students with orphans in the Philippines through Zoom sessions, fostering intercultural understanding and empathy.
Massimo Faggioli - ACCCR Synod on Synodality - Towards the Synod 2024 Opening Massimo Faggioli
25 August 2024
Massimo Faggioli's presentation on the Synod on Synodality emphasizes the significant transition within the Catholic Church, driven by Pope Francis' efforts to promote a more inclusive, synodal approach to governance. He highlights the ongoing process, which began in 2021, and the importance of the upcoming second assembly in October 2024. Faggioli underscores three key issues: revitalizing the role of laypeople, restructuring local church functions, and reimagining the relationship between the Vatican and local churches. He acknowledges that true reform requires cultural change, which takes time, and emphasizes the need for patience and persistence in this transformative process. The Synod is viewed as the most important development in the Church since the Second Vatican Council, aiming to foster a more globally diverse and unified Church.
News - Marists hit the road - for a new generation - of mission George Al-Akiki
13 August 2024
The Marist Laity Australia, inspired by the origins of the Marist mission in 1816 at the shrine of Fourvière, recently undertook a pilgrimage across Sydney’s Harbour Bridge to St Patrick’s Catholic Church Hill and Holy Name of Mary Hunters Hill. This modern Camino, led by Marist Laity leader Cathy Larkin, aimed to celebrate the Marists' commitment to Catholic mission and unity. Participants, including Marist fathers, sisters, and lay members, walked to honor their spiritual heritage and to embody the spirit of Mary through simplicity, inclusivity, and a dedication to social justice. This pilgrimage symbolizes the continuation of the Marist mission across generations, from its roots in France to its flourishing in Australia.
Fourviere Celebration - July 21 - 2023 Andrew Dumas
21 July 2024
The Fourvière Celebration commemorates the origins of the Marist Society, which began with Jean-Claude Courveille's miraculous healing at a Marian shrine, leading to his profound devotion and the establishment of the Society of Mary. Inspired by a message from Mary to form a society to battle against disbelief, Courveille and his fellow seminarians dedicated themselves to this mission. On July 23, 1816, they solemnized their commitment at the Fourvière chapel in Lyon, France, by signing a document and celebrating Mass. This event marked the start of the Marist Fathers, Brothers, and Sisters, who sought to emulate Mary's humility and serve through education and missionary work. Despite Courveille's later departure under a cloud of scandal, the Marist tradition continued to flourish, emphasizing the importance of embracing both the successes and trials of their history. This celebration integrates the entire journey of the Marist Society, inviting reflection on personal and collective commitment to their legacy.
Letter - Like Mary, Bearers of Hope - Part 1 - Superior General Society of Mary - Superior General
10 May 2024
The letter titled 'Like Mary, Bearers of Hope' from the Superior General of the Society of Mary reflects on his experiences and insights gained from leading the society over the past six years. He emphasizes the profound impact of deep conversations and the trust shared among the members, which he considers a grace of his leadership role.
Marist Laity Australia Newsletter - April 2024 Marist Laity Australia
30 April 2024
The April 2024 newsletter of Marist Laity Australia, penned by Cathy Larkin, shares Easter greetings and introduces Fr. Michael Carroll SM as the new Marist Fathers representative on the committee, while expressing gratitude to Fr. Paul Mahony SM for his past service. The newsletter announces upcoming events, including a Reflection Day on 'Living with Today's Paradoxes,' on Saturday MAY 4, the celebration of the origins of the Marist Family with the Promise of Fourviere, and a weekend gathering for Marist Laity members to focus on their identity and future in synodality. It pays tribute to the late Mary Teresa Roddy, a dedicated Marist laywoman, recalling her compassionate service in Bougainville and her influential roles within the Marist Missionary Sisters. Additionally, it marks the 25th anniversary of Saint Marcellin Champagnat's canonisation, emphasizing his Christ-like virtues. The newsletter promotes the 'Beyond the Pew' program to enhance family spirituality and announces an Earth Day challenge to share eco-friendly resources, emphasizing Marist themes of living simply and authentically in a secular world. Finally, an invitation to the 2024 Marian Lecture online on May 7.
Marist Laity - Branching Out Marist Laity
06 April 2024
The video discusses the evolution and current state of Lay Marists, a community dedicated to Marist spirituality, highlighting its growth and adaptation over time. Initially, Lay Marists were closely associated with clergy and religious congregations, meeting in groups through parishes, schools, or communities. However, the introduction of the internet and the establishment of an online community have broadened the ways in which individuals discover and engage with Marist spirituality.
Christlife - Marist Association - March 2024 Marist Association
04 April 2024
The Christlife Podcast's second edition for 2024, presented by Tracey DeBlais from the Marist Association of St Marcel and Champagnat, offers a comprehensive look into the March edition of their Christ Life publication and updates from the Marist Association. The podcast features a segment with Stuart Maclaury, Acting Director of Mission and Catholic Identity at Newman College, Perth, as part of the 'Meet a Marist' series. Richard Quinn, Executive Director of the Marist Association, contributes as the editorialist, highlighting various articles, announcements, and reflections not fully covered in the audio format.
Father Kevin Bates - RIP Holy Name of Mary Parish
31 January 2024
Our dear brother Kevin Bates died peacefully this morning, January 31, at RNSH.

His funeral mass will take place at Holy Name of Mary Church, Hunters Hill, on Wednesday, February 7, at 10.30am.
57th World Day of Peace - Pope Francis Pope Francis
01 January 2024
In his World Day of Peace message on January 1, Pope Francis addresses the intertwined relationship between technological advancements, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), and the pursuit of global peace and human fraternity. He highlights the potential of science and technology to improve human life and foster peace, while also cautioning against the risks posed by AI, including the threat of exacerbating inequalities, conflicts, and individualism. Emphasizing the importance of ethical responsibility, human oversight, and respect for human dignity in the development and deployment of AI, the Pope calls for a global cooperative effort to ensure that technological progress contributes to the betterment of humanity and the creation of a more equitable, just, and peaceful world.
2023 Christmas Message - Bishop Michael - God is with us Bishop Michael Kennedy
24 December 2023
In the presentation, Bishop Michael reflects on the significance of the name Emmanuel, which means 'God is with us,' a theme that is particularly poignant during Christmas. He highlights that this name embodies the deep connection between God and humanity through Jesus Christ, who shares in our human experience. He speaks about God's presence in various aspects of our lives, including our efforts to be virtuous, our failures, our joys, and our struggles.
Christmas Message - Bishop Vincent Long Bishop Vincent Long
23 December 2023
Bishop Vincent Long's Christmas message for 2023 reflects on the journey of synodality within the Diocese of Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains, emphasizing a move towards a Church of communion, participation, and mission. He draws parallels between this ecclesial vision and the radical newness of the Incarnation at Christmas, which challenges structures of domination and calls for a new era of justice, love, and compassion. The message encourages an ethic of communion with all life forms and a commitment to justice and reconciliation, aligning with the marginalized and working towards a future inspired by the God of vulnerability and radical communion.
Is Pope Francis dividing the Church ? - Father Casey Cole ofm Father Casey Cole
20 December 2023
The video by Franciscan Father Casey Cole discusses the controversies surrounding Pope Francis, highlighting the division among those who view him as an exceptional pontiff and those who deem him a heretic. Father Casey contends that Pope Francis isn't confusing but rather, misunderstanding arises from poor catechesis among Catholics, a leadership style that emphasizes dialogue over dictation, and the complexity of moral issues that don't lend themselves to black and white answers. Father Casey argues that the confusion attributed to Pope Francis is exacerbated by the ill-will of his enemies who spread misinformation. To remedy the situation, Father Casey suggests better catechesis, an open-minded approach to Church leadership, a nuanced understanding of morality, and a discerning engagement with the sources of Church news and teachings. He invites those critical of Pope Francis to read his works with an open mind and trust in the Holy Spirit, rather than follow fringe leaders.
Marist Laity Australia Newsletter - December 2023 Marist Laity Australia
18 December 2023
The December edition of the Marist Laity newsletter reflects on the organization's future engagement with young adults and those seeking reflective opportunities, with a follow-up meeting planned in February 2024 and events throughout the year to deepen prayer and reflection. It also touches on the enduring conflicts where Jesus lived, with a poignant reflection from Fr. Jim Carty SM and a message of hope from Pope Francis, emphasizing God's unwavering presence. The newsletter extends gratitude to committee members and bids farewell to Michael Evison as he retires. It memorializes three influential Marists who recently passed away, celebrating their legacy and contribution to the community. Additionally, it highlights the impact of Street Retreats, where students engage with the homeless in Sydney, fostering compassion and understanding beyond mere observation​​.
2004 - Boston - Marist Laity - Conference Marist Laity Australia
24 November 2023
2004 Boston Marist Laity Conference. This video was inspired by Marists who contributed to the development of Marist Laity Australia. Sister Mary Keegan smsm, Sister Marie Berise sm. Beryl Prescot and Barbara Ashwell. Thank you.
Beyond Words - Seeking Action - in the Synodal Pathways We Are Church Ireland
22 November 2023
This Synod Symposium discusses the concerns and issues related to the synodal process from various perspectives. The speakers highlight experiences of laypeople in the church, pointing out discrepancies and disappointments in how the synodal process has been managed. There's a particular focus on the lack of real listening and the perceived manipulation of the laity, as well as a failure to adopt co-responsibility in church governance.
Diocese of Parramatta - concludes its first ever Synod - a model for engagement - discernment - and decision-making Parramatta Diocese
27 October 2023
Over the weekend of 13 - 15 October 2023, the Diocese of Parramatta successfully concluded its inaugural Synod, a momentous event that brought together 280 faithful from across Western Sydney, the Blue Mountains, and beyond to discuss the future of the local Church.
Marist Laity Australia Newsletter - October 2023 Marist Laity Australia
04 October 2023
The October 2023 edition of the Marist Laity Australia newsletter highlights the organization's priorities for 2024, with a focus on engaging young adults and those seeking silence, reflection, and meaningful conversation. There's an enthusiastic mention of another Marist Camino event in 2024, following the success of the 2023 event. The Marist Family Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Committee hosted an event discussing the upcoming referendum on The Voice to Parliament, facilitated by renowned journalist Kerry O'Brien. The newsletter also commemorates the recent passing of Br Des Murphy FMS and updates on Barbara Ashwell's health. As the Synodal Assembly approaches, prayers for the Church's mission are requested. Additionally, reflections on the life of Mary and the Marist movement are provided by Fr Kevin Bates and Sr Margaret Tisch. Lastly, a conversation with Kerry O'Brien emphasizes the importance of recognizing the voice of Australia's indigenous population.
A Conversation with - Archbishop Mark - and Bishop Tim - About the Proposed - Voice to Parliament Archbishop Mark Coleridge and Bishop Tim Norton SVD
19 September 2023
Bishop Archbishop Mark and Bishop Tim discuss the importance of the referendum on 'The Voice' and the broader issue of reconciliation in Australia. Bishop Archbishop Mark emphasizes that the referendum is not just about the indigenous population but concerns all Australians. He believes that reconciliation is a critical issue that has been a longstanding problem since the beginning of European settlement in Australia. He sees the referendum as an opportunity to unlock the potential of both indigenous people and the nation as a whole through fundamental healing and reconciliation.
Marist Camino 2023 Sister Margaret Tisch smsm
25 July 2023
Yesterday was a very special day for many reasons, one being that it was exactly 207 years to the very day when five priests (ordained the day before) and 7 seminarians walked up nearly 800 steps before dawn and left a signed document at the Church of the Black Madonna dedicating their lives to Mary the mother of God; the beginning of the Marist movement.
Tony Abbott says the Voice reinforces the separatism Tony Abbott
10 July 2023
In this interview, former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott discusses his opposition to the proposed Indigenous Voice and constitutional recognition of Indigenous Australians. Abbott argues that the Voice, as currently conceived, would entrench race-based separatism and undermine the unity of the country. He expresses concerns about the power and influence the Voice would have, suggesting that it could become a de facto veto over government decisions. Abbott emphasizes his belief in equal treatment for all Australians and questions the need for a separate Indigenous body.
The Eucharist is bread of sinners, not reward of saints John Larsen sm
11 June 2023
It’s a good time to reflect, each of us, on the role of the Eucharist in our personal, community and missionary lives. As Marists, how is the Eucharist “the source and summit of our whole Christian lives”? (Lumen Gentium, 11)
Australian Indigenous leader - in the Vatican for week-long visit Joseph Tullock
04 June 2023
Doctor Miriam Rose Ungunmerr Baumann, a highly respected Australian Aboriginal leader, is currently visiting the Vatican for a week-long visit. During her stay, she will engage in meaningful discussions with Pope Francis and other senior Vatican figures, focusing on spirituality, ecology, and the reconciliation between the Catholic Church and Indigenous Australians. As an artist, she will also unveil a new artwork at the Vatican Museums, drawing on both Indigenous and Christian traditions. Her painting, titled 'We Found God in Nature,' portrays the dry season in her region of Australia, emphasizing the connection between nature and her Catholic faith. Additionally, she will attend a Mass commemorating fifty years of Indigenous liturgies and participate in discussions with various Vatican officials, including Bishop Paul Tighe and representatives from Caritas Internationalis and the Union of International Superiors General, where she will present her perspective on integral ecology from an Indigenous standpoint.
News - Marist Prayer and Reflection via ZOOM Marist Laity Australia
01 May 2023
On Sunday, April 30, 12 Marist Lay people and Marist Religious joined together for a Prayer and Reflection on “Christ is Risen”. Attendees came from Melbourne, Sydney, and as far away as Gladstone in Queensland. As we gathered there was some smiles and many memories of when we last saw each other. There was rich discussion around the spirit of Easter and Resurrection was present in our lives. The participants came away feeling a renewed sense of connection and touched by the importance of prayer.
Marist Laity Australia Newsletter - April 2023 Marist Laity Australia
22 April 2023
Welcome to the Easter Edition of the Marist Laity Newsletter. You will find a number of articles of Easter, reflections on death and young people visiting homeless people and an invitation to join us on Sunday April 30 for prayer and reflection via zoom.
Social Justice Statement - Cry for the Poor Australian Catholic Social Justice Council
23 January 2023
Our challenge is to accompany people from the margins into a journey towards the fullness of life and love. We are meant to be in the coalface, in the messiness of it all and at the same time in fidelity to the Gospel… Like Christ in his ministry among the sick and the lost, we are called to meet God in the most unlikely people and places. We, too, must be in that frontier space.
56th World Day of Peace - Pope Francis Pope Francis
16 January 2023
No one can be saved alone.Combatting Covid-19 together, embarking together on paths of peace.
Audio - Who is ruling Myanmar? ABC - Phillip Adams
24 December 2022
A number of activities were executed in Myanmar. These are the first executions since 1988. There has been a continuing coup by violence of the military. The military is not monolithic. There are different factions within the military. The coup was a product of these factions. Ever since Myanmar's military leaders took control in a 2021 coup, the country has deteriorated into civil war. But who are the men in charge and what do they really want?
Bishop Vincent Longs - Christmas 2022 Message Bishop Vincent Long
21 December 2022
We live in an increasingly dangerous world where a spiral of violence seems to be out of control. Violence and selfishness dominate our daily news, as the ‘answer’ the world offers to us. The horrors unfolding in Ukraine and the scandal of the arms race, and even more the danger of nuclear war frightens us all. Our planet continues to be exploited and the beauty of God’s creation plundered for profit. And the ongoing tragedy of refugees continues with many people closing their hearts to compassion.
NEWS - Europe Marist Lay LINK Marist Laity Europe
17 December 2022
'STARTING A NEW CHURCH'. These are the words of our Founder, FatherJean Claude Colin. Pope Francis, in callingthe Synod of the Universal Church, said: 'We must live another way of being Church'. I believe that the mostbeautiful thing about the Chapter of the European Province of the Marist Fathers, held in Rome from 6 to 14June 2022 - preceded by an electronic session held from 27 to 29 May, in which some Lay Marists alsoparticipated - was precisely putting as the underlying theme of every moment these words of our Founder andof our current Pope; thereby, combining and comparing every prayer, action, thought, word, aspiration andperspective with this interpretative key. Finally, moving beyond the limits of our own horizon, our Founder'sprophecy, and fidelity to the Pope's action - aiming to trigger processes of renewal in the Church, so that shemay be ever more perfectly embodied in our time, marking a change of epoch - are the key criteria groundingour Spirituality and our journey in the Church and in the world.
News - Mary Star of the Sea Marist Fathers
12 December 2022
On Dec 08 during Mass at St Joseph’s College, Hunters Hill, celebrating the Immaculate Concepton the new Star of the Sea Province of the Marist Brothers was inaugurated. Visiting Superior-General, brother Ernesto Sanchez FMS, officially announced the closure of the Australian Province and District of Oceania and invited brother Peter Carroll to assume the role of leader of a new province embracing Pacifc and southeast Asian countries.
Marist Laity Australia Newsletter - December 2022 Marist Laity Australia
04 December 2022
As the Jesuit scholastic Brendan Busse reflects: “The true beauty of this season lies in the way in which it sanctifies that which is most human in us: our desire to love and call ourselves beloved, the desire for the eternal to break into our mortal lives, for light to break into our darkness, for God’s loving presence to become a felt reality in our all too frail human condition.”
Refugee teens tell their stories on stage SBS World News
05 November 2022
They have fled war zones around the world for the safety of Australia and now a group of teenaged refugees are sharing their personal stories on stage at a Theatre in Sydney. The performance was a drama-focussed trauma recovery play which aims to help heal the young refugees and educate the audience about the process of resettlement.
News Archive - December 2011 Marist Laity Australia
01 November 2022
View the December 2011 Marist Laity Australia Newsletter.
Marist Sisters in the Outback Father Ben McKenna
30 October 2022
In 2005, Bishop Brian Heenan (Rockhampton Diocese) sent a letter to various religious congregations asking if there was anyone available and willing for ministry in the western parts of the diocese. Mary Kiely, the St. John of God Sister who had been covering the territory in a 4WD for the previous five years had been voted into leadership. For twelve years before that, Annemarie Jensen PBVM, a qualified pilot, had flown a small plane to minister to the people of the 'outback'. (A real flying Nun).This aerial ministry began in 1981, the plane being piloted by several diocesan priests.
New art damns wars lie Marilyn Rodrigues
23 October 2022
Leading iconographer and artist Michael Galovic has created his own deeply-felt response to the war in Ukraine in his latest work, Ukraine Response.
Sister Fidelis 60 years as a Marist Sister Sister Fidelis SM
23 October 2022
On Friday October 21 former staff and students of Marist Sisters College gathered to celebrate Sister Fidelis 60 years as a Marist sister. Many of the years were serving the Woolwich community as leader and principal. Today Sister Fidelis serves the St Patrick's community as Parish secretary. Most Saturday and Sunday mornings she wakes up at 4 am to prepare to coordinate St Patricks efforts to feed the homeless of Sydney. Sister Fidelis is passionate and faith filled leader who would encourage you to come along to the new program she is running called 'The Chosen' event on Sundays at 2 pm at St Patricks Church Hill (See It was great to catch up with so many friends and Marists as we remembered the goodness that Sister Fidelis and Mary has brought us.
Event - After the 2022 Election and Plenary Council Father Frank Brennan SJ
28 August 2022
What Matters to Australian Catholics – Blue, Red, Green and Teal – After the 2022 Election and Plenary Council. Father Frank Brennan SJ
Wrap-up Plenary 2 episode 4 Garratt Publishing
21 July 2022
What equality exists between men and women? Today highlighted the need for more theological input and understanding amongst the members of plenary. This has highlighted some deficiencies in the process up until this point. This process reinforced a sense of hope from real discernment from that rejection. The rest of the day was with that reflection and discernment. The steering committee was surprised because they could not go forward. This is a key issue for the church. whether or not we believe in Vatican 2 and the kind of church this is calling for or whether we belong to a restoration group. That is the tension that is there which is pulling either way.
Wrap-up Plenary 2 episode 6 Garratt Publishing
10 July 2022
Some words are merely mouthed words like 'that women are appropriately represented in in decision making. Who decides what is appropriate?'
Marist Laity Australia Newsletter - July 2022 Marist Laity Australia
04 July 2022
It has been some time since Marist Laity Australia (MLA) produced a newsletter and so we reconnect with you today and invite you to read on and contribute to future editions if you would like to share some news.
Sacred Sleep - Ministry with the homeless Marist JPIC Blog
19 June 2022
Mary Ghisolfo, Lay Marist serving with Notre Dame des Victoires, San Francisco, California, writes to answer the question: 'Why Does Ministry Among the Poor Awaken for Us the Critical Role of a Marist Vocation?'
Community for mission - Fr John Larsen sm Father John Larsen sm
19 June 2022
“Community for mission” seems to be encoded in our Marist-DNA. From our very earliest days – we celebrate St. Marcellin this Monday, June 6 – Marists have evangelized from within Christian communities, with Mary at our heart. “We have no other model than the early church” Father Jean-Claude says. This Pentecost on Sunday, June 5, challenges us to be faithful to this vision of Mary at the heart of the community, sent out to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ. There are always some Marists who live on their own for very good reasons. However, our Founder always encouraged us to live in communities for mission, as he himself had done in Cerdon and in the mountains of the Bugey.
Blog - hard to accept the election Marist Laity Australia
22 May 2022
As Australians wake up this morning, they have a new government. But not just a new party in power, but a new way of doing government. Change can be a very hard thing for some. Like the process of dying. We cannot accept the reality and instead create in our heads reasons for this false reality. When Donald Trump lost the November 2020 election, he created a storyline of a “rigged election”. It is hard for our ego to let go of how things were or how things should be. We ignore facts and prefer the way we think.
Marist Sisters Elect new General leadership Team in Rome Marist Sisters
15 May 2022
The Marist Sisters give thanks to God for their new General Leadership Team elected during the 30th General Chapter at Nemi yesterday. Sr Sylvette Mané (Superior General) is pictured here with Srs Silvia Sanz de Diego, Mari Aranda Sánchez-Lara and Kate McPhee. We ask God blessings upon each of them as they take up their role.
Marist Sisters General Chapter - Opening Liturgy Marist Sisters
25 April 2022
The opening liturgy of the Marist Sisters General Chapter 2022.
Marist Sisters General Chapter begins in Rome Sister Sheila Manalo
24 April 2022
The Marist Sisters General Chapter will be held in Rome starting on Sunday April 24. The main goal of the General Chapter is to preserve and foster the spiritual patrimony of the Marist Sisters’ Congregation. It examines carefully what the Lord expects of us, by taking into account the directives of the church, developments in contemporary society and the aspirations of each Units (or region).
Pope Francis Easter blessing and message Thaddeus Jones
21 April 2022
In his Easter “To the Church and to the World” message, Pope Francis announces that Jesus, the Crucified One, is risen, and he remembers victims of war, all those suffering around the world, and appeals ardently that the peace of Christ may enter our lives, our homes, and our countries.
Farewell Fr Kevin Bates and Welcome Father Brian Wilson Marist Fathers
20 March 2022
On March 13 the people of Holy Name of Mary parish, Hunters Hill and Woolwich, gathered for a picnic day to farewell retiring parish priest, Father Kevin Bates and welcome their new parish priest father Brian Wilson.
2022 Australian of the Year - Dylan Alcott ABC News
26 January 2022
Congratulations to Australian of the Year 2022, Dylan Alcott.As a teenager, tennis player Dylan Alcott was bullied over his disability and 'dreaded being in a wheelchair'.Now 31, Dylan has made history as the first man to achieve a Golden Slam, using his success on the tennis court to reshape perceptions around disability through the Dylan Alcott Foundation, Get Skilled Access and AbilityFest — Australia's first accessible and fully inclusive music festival. 'It may shock a lot of people but the thing I am proudest of now is my disability and I love it.'
Word Day of Peace Message - Dialogue Pope Francis
26 January 2022
Dialogue Between Generations, Education and Work:
Tools for Building Lasting Peace
Kiamas Australian of the year - Maria Baden Kiama Council
26 January 2022
Kiama Council has announced lay Marist Maria Baden as Australia Day Citizen of the Year for 2022.
News Archive - June 2009 Marist Laity Australia
22 January 2022
View the June 2009 Marist Laity Australia Newsletter.
Please pray for the people in Tonga 9 News Australia
19 January 2022
Please pray for the people in Tonga . This is the story of many people in Tonga and their families. There are reports Tonga is struggling with toxic air and contaminated water, after an underwater volcanic eruption triggered a tsunami, wiping out communications.
Parramatta sets off on road to Synod 2023 Raimie Caramancion
10 January 2022
To be honest, the word ‘synodality’ is one of those words that used to fly right over my head because it wasn’t something I was familiar with. Lucky for me, there was an opportunity to unpack what Pope Francis is asking all people to be part of (see Vademecum p16-17). Are we listening to each other deeply or enough? What’s your experience and what can the Church do to be better at it? “What an opportunity…” I thought to myself, “…what an opportunity IF we do this right. So what do I need to know about this synodal process?”
A Synodal Church John Larsen sm
10 January 2022
From his vast perspective after his eight years in leadership Pope Francis highlights “synodality” as the future direction for the Church. “It is precisely this theme of synodality which God expects of the Church in the third millennium”, he says. We are all urged to participate as best we can in this synodal journey towards and beyond the “Synod on Synodality” in Rome, in
New Leadership Team in Australia Marist Sisters
05 January 2022
December. Sr Gail Reneker will take up the role of Unit Leader of Australia with Srs Julie Brand and Beverley Lewis as her Assistants. The gathering was also an opportunity to give thanks to Sr Catherine Lacey who has been Unit Leader for the past seven years and to Sr Ruth Davis for her role as Unit Assistant for the last three years.
Christmas at Hunters Hill Marist Fathers
25 December 2021
The Christmas liturgy of Holy Name of Mary parish, Hunters Hill/Woolwich, began with its now-traditional outdoor Vigil Eucharist in the grounds of Villa Maria monastery.
Marist Laity Australia Newsletter - December 2021 Marist Laity Australia
24 December 2021
Thank you for your ongoing support of MLA during this, another challenging year. A huge thank you to All who supported our online prayer reflections and provided such depth of sharing, they were rich exchanges and wonderful times to reconnect across the world.
Vatican calls for clear roadmap as climate summit enters final stretch Catholic News Agency
13 November 2021
It said that a joint message signed by faith leaders and scientists at the Vatican on Oct. 4 recognized the importance of the topic.It also noted that the pope had stressed “the ecological debt and the solidarity that industrialized countries owe to the poor” in Laudato si’
Indigenous leaders worry net zero commitment not enough to halt climate change ABC News
31 October 2021
Many Indigenous leaders concerned with the federal government's determination to forge ahead with new gas fields. And they don't accept assurances from the government and industry that emissions can be dealt with using carbon capture and storage technology.
EWTN attacks on Pope Francis Austen Ivereigh
20 October 2021
Is this what animates EWTN shows like Raymond Arroyo’s? Is this spirit of schism— known by its contempt, arrogance and disdain, but presenting itself as the defense of orthodoxy and tradition—evident in the ongoing hostility and contempt towards Francis?
Plenary Podcast with Bishop Michael, Brother Peter, and Marco Plenary Podcast
12 October 2021
Plenary Podcast, Day 3: Wednesday, 6 October 2021. Journey Catholic Radio’s Jude Hennessy in conversation with Bishop Michael Kennedy (Armidale, NSW) , Br Peter Carroll FMS (Provincial Marist Bros),
MLA Committee Meeting Marist Laity Australia
02 October 2021
On Saturday October 2, Marist Laity Australia Committee came together for two hours to share, pray, discuss and plan. We spoke deeply about the impacts of the COVID pandemic. Where families cannot see loved one’s who are dying and where others are sitting with people as they enter the last moments of their life. This was a rich sharing.
Del Rio - a Can of Worms Fr Ben McKenna SM
29 September 2021
But in recent days up to some 15,000 migrants mainly Haitians (but other nationalities including Cubans, Venezuelans, and Nicaraguans) crossed the river over the span of a week, by wading over a dam on the river and were then blocked from moving forward . So they made camp under the international bridge on the US side thus creating yet another crisis and for anti-Biden critics a reason to make a lot of noise.
Mahboba Promise #Afghanistan Mahboba Promise
13 September 2021
I regret to write to you that the situation in Afghanistan is deteriorating very quickly. In over 40 years of war, I have not seen the situation so devastating as it is today. 
The violence in Kabul and the northeast has forced hundreds of thousands of terrified families to flee their homes in desperate search of safety.
I know first-hand what it is like to flee your home in the face of war and terror. When families flee the terror, they have no choice but to escape quickly, with very few or no possessions.
Bringing healing to a broken world- Fr John Larsen sm Father John Larsen sm
05 September 2021
So much around us can look as if it is broken. We see fractured countries and societies from Afghanistan to Myanmar, from Ethiopia to Venezuela. A huge earthquake tears Haiti apart while the rest of the world, ravaged with Covid and with fears about potential ecological disaster, hardly notices. Sometimes these factures seem to cut right through our own hearts and our own communities.
A journey through Taliban country France 24 English
11 August 2021
Follow the story of many people living in Afghanistan. Both from the Talibans community and the democratic Afghanistan.
Taliban take over BBC News
11 August 2021
The Taliban have been making major advances across Afghanistan as foreign troops withdraw, taking at least five regional capitals since Friday. In their most significant gain, the Taliban are now reported to have overrun the northern city of Kunduz.
Australias Incredible Cruelty to Refugees Phil Glendenning
11 August 2021
Phil Glendenning brings tales of horror about refugees sent back to their countries by Australia. He provides compelling arguments to support the claim that the Australian public is being lied to by its politicians.
Climate change report a code red for humanity ABC News
10 August 2021
United Nations chief warns. The Earth could be just 10 years from heating by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius since industrialisation — a global warming threshold beyond which even more serious and frequent fires, droughts, floods and cyclones are expected to wreak havoc on humanity.
Marist Voices Newsletter plus Audio Marist Laity World Committee
31 July 2021
Listen to the audio of the Marist Voices is a publication to share and promote the life of the Marist laity.
Pacific New Update Philip Adams
31 July 2021
The Fijian government is taken a very serious stance on vaccination. At the latest count 78% of the population has received one dose of vaccine. They are using Astra Zeneca. About 19% are fully vaccinated. The government has said for public servants that anyone who has not commenced vaccinated by the 1st of November will find themselves out of work. The governments “no jab no job” policy.
News - Let us start again from the Promise Marist Father P. Antonio Airo, sm
24 July 2021
Everything at this time - for at least the past 15 years and, particularly, in these past years - makes us feel that something is moving: within us, among us, in our 'branches' (Laity, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers), in the Christian churches, in our Church and in the whole world. The papacy of Francis, a new springtime of the Church that relaunches us decisively from the Gospel and from the Council. Our Western world, secularized almost to the point of no longer recognizing its roots, its culture, its values. Our Congregation, stirred by the new breath of Justin Taylor's 'Reset' - yet almost indifferent to it. The pandemic, that has sown deaths, which shaken many to the point of anguish, which seems to destabilize every 'ordinary' to which we had become accustomed or even resigned, in a one-way street of? well-being. But precisely this dramatic planetary event is placing us - we, here, today - before the mystery of the Passion and Death, which brings with it seeds and signs of Resurrection and new life: 'We are all in the same boat'. 'Nobody saves himself alone'.
Plenary Council Abundance of goodwill Marist Father Ben McKenna SM
21 July 2021
By Marist Father Ben McKenna SM. We Marists SM are committed to having an International 'Omnes Gentes' community in Paramatta. Covid has slowed us down, and while we are waiting it is worthwhile to ponder on a summary reflection of the Bishop of Paramatta, +Vincent Long OFM Conv, in his recent Helder Camara lecture. 'My hope for the [Australian] Plenary Council'
If one member suffer, all will suffer Sr Jane O'Carroll SM
08 July 2021
Sr Jane O'Carroll is a Marist sister. She serves in the Auckland Catholic Diocese as Bishop Pat's Pastoral Assistant and is Vicar for religious. Jane is also a member of Te Ropu Tautoko. Te Rōpū Tautoko exists to co-ordinate and manage cooperation between the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care and the Catholic Church in Aotearoa, represented by the Catholic Bishops and Congregational Leaders of Aotearoa New Zealand. In this short video Sr Jane explains the role and function of Te Rou Tautoko.
Cardinal John Ribat - - A Cardinal for the peripheries: Papua New Guinea Cardinal John Ribat
08 July 2021
Cardinal John Ribat is the first Cardinal from Papua New Guinea. He shares to Mark Riedemann his first impressions after he was notify of election. He comments on the heroic work of missionaries in these lands, and yet this is still a land for first evangelization. The local Church is trying to develop their own vocations in this country were modernity and “stone age” costumes clash.
Bishop Vincent Long ‘My hope for the Plenary Council’ Bishop Vincent Long
02 July 2021
There is a sense in which the Church must change into a more Christ-like pattern of humility, simplicity and powerlessness as opposed to worldly triumphalism, splendour, dominance and power. Christians in the post-Royal Commission are like the Jews after the exile. The future of the Church, like the New Jerusalem that the exilic prophets often speak of, will not be revitalised by way of simply repeating what was done in the past. It will not be simply a restoration project or doing the old things better. Rather, we must have the courage to do new things; we must be open to the Spirit leading us to new horizons even as we tend to revert to the old ways.
Pray for peace in Myanmar The World is One News
14 June 2021
We pray for peace in the country of Myanmar in Asia. We pray that greatly needed food arrive to the people who are hungry. We pray for medical supplies comes for those who are sick. We pray for the people who wish to stir up violence. May they stop. We pray that that there is an immediate halt to violence that they stop. We pray that peace may enter the hearts for the people of myanmar. We pray that the UN special envoy should be aloud in Myanmar.
MMC Winter 2021 Newsletter Marist Mission Centre
13 June 2021
We continue to hear sad stories from the Myanmar refugees in Thailand. MMC funds a hostel program for young refugees and an education and health program in Ranong. Some of these programs have been disrupted due to the uncertain and violent times in their country. The refugees from Myanmar attending our program in Ranong Thailand are directly across the border from Myanmar and these young people are deeply concerned for their families and relatives back in Myanmar.
The Ginkgo Tree Father Ben McKenna
04 June 2021
'On Pentecost Sunday our Superior General, Fr John Larsen, together with the General House community, planted a ginkgo tree, one of five present during the annual two-day meeting of Marist Superiors-General and councillors held this year at Manziana, a Marist Brothers Centre north of Rome, May 14-15. The Marist Project has long been understood as a tree of many branches to which all types of people can belong
200 Years of Catholic Schools amongst the persecuted Marist Laity Australia
22 May 2021
On Monday May 24, we will celebrate 200 years of Catholic schools in Australia. Most schools will celebrate with a mass. Yet, in this moment, do we remember the first 40 years of British settlement (From 1788 to 1820), where the Catholic church, many other churches, religions and Aboriginal customs were outlawed. Thus, many religions, and many churches began in Australia like the early Christian church, with oppression. Where the government of the day sought to stop their practise. With many lay people hidden in homes continuing religious traditions. Do we celebrate with the 200 years anniversary the many people who risked their lives for their religious faiths and traditions? This causes us to think, where in the world today are religious groups oppressed? As Catholics and people of religion, are we not called to identify and help the oppressed groups?
Alpha Leadership Conference 2021 Alpha Leadership Conference
16 May 2021
Key note speech by Nicky Gumble.
Marist Gathering Manziana Marist Fathers
16 May 2021
Yesterday the leadership teams of the 4 religious branches of the Marist Family gathered in Manziana, in the outskirts of Rome. The meeting was originally planned to take place last year at the Marist Brothers house, L’Hermitage, near Lyons, but because of the pandemic the meeting was postponed.
Noel Davis RIP Emmaus Productions
13 April 2021
Tributes to a beloved Australian Poet. My Easter has been coloured by the passing from this life to the next of someone who had a profound significance in the shaping of my Marist vocation.
Pray for Indonesia & East Timor DW News
06 April 2021
Floods & landslides in Indonesia & East Timor leave scores dead | DW News
Pope meets Grand Ayatollah DW News
14 March 2021
On the second day of his trip to Iraq, Pope Francis has held talks with the country's influential Shia Muslim cleric, the Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani. The historic meeting took place at Sistanis home in the holy city of Najaf. No press were allowed inside for the talks, but a few white doves were released as the Pope entered – underscoring his message of peaceful co-existence between Muslims and Christians in Iraq. The Christian community there has dwindled after years of war and persecution. Those that remain hope a show of solidarity from Sistani could help secure their place in Iraq.
Indigenous cross blessed Marist Fathers
14 March 2021
In a simple ceremony on March 11 an indigenous cross was blessed by Fr Paul Glynn SM in the grounds of Villa Maria monastery, Hunters Hill. The cross is an initiative of Holy Name of Mary parishioner, Maryanne Knoblanche, who for thirty years has accompanied members of the indigenous Catholic community at Mt Druitt in Sydney's outer west.
February Message from Marist Laity Australia Margaret Woods
23 February 2021
We hope you had a wonderful Christmas Season filled joy and surrounded with love from family and friends.As we refocus for the year, we take this opportunity to provide a brief update on some planned activities for 2021.
An Ecological Conversion Marist Father John Larsen s.m.
10 January 2021
The heart of our response as Marists to the crises in the natural world around us is a profound “ecological conversion”. Pope Francis writes: “what is needed is an ecological conversion whereby the effects of their encounter with Jesus Christ become evident in their relationships with the world around them”. (L.S. 217). “Ecological conversion” happens when we meet Christ both in Word and Sacrament and at the same time also in the cry of the poor and the cry of the land.
Father Paul Martin sm appointed Bishop In Every Way
03 January 2021
In the Apostolic Letter that appointed Fr Paul Martin SM as the tenth Bishop of Christchurch, Pope Francis referred to Paul’s background in education, his pastoral ministry, and, more latterly his management of the Society of Mary’s world-wide finance. These are indeed some of the skills and experience that Paul brings to his new position. However, those who were present at his grand ceremony of Ordination to the Episcopacy in Christchurch saw more than a glimpse of the real man who will fill this position.
Christmas in Asia 2021 Father Christopher Thadoes R. Ganzon SM
01 January 2021
This Christmas is certainly different from the many years of our celebrations. COVID 19 has undeniably changed the world from the moment of its out break. The world was not prepared to face this pandemic. But slowly people have faced it positively despite the challenges it brought to them. It is also undeniably true that this pandemic has taught us lessons; lessons that are already present but we have neglected before. COVID 19 would be part of our lives in the years to come, but it showed us and brought us closer to essential things that truly matter faith in God, family, friends, support, love, generosity. These essentials thrive along the way.
Europe Lay Marists Link Europe Lay Marists LINK
29 December 2020
During our EMLC delegates' Zoom meeting in July, we had the pleasure of getting to know the new European Provincial Delegate for Marist Laity, Fr Antonio Aira (Italy), who has taken over from Fr Jan Hulshof. With Father Antonio, it was decided to continue with the circular letter that Father Jan looked after for several years—thank you to him for all he did for this networking.

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