Marist Laity and the future of the church

   - Frank McKay sm

Part 2   |   Part 1

Mary has got a place in every life. Probably got a place in all our lives to some extent. We are talking about her having a fully place. What we are talking about is her spirituality in the age we inhabit. The Marist vision and Marist spirituality is not something infused it has got to be communicated. How is it going to be communicated?

We all have a very important role at this time. When laity has got new possibilities presented to them. We have a role to help them to help fulfill more fully those possibilities. What every good works they do they need a spirituality to do it. As members of the Marist family we have a spirituality to give them. That is what we are called to do.

If you have got good things going as you have, I see Antioch is going here, and all great things. What ever you are doing, you need a spirituality. Mary has got an important part in that spirituality. What ever you are doing, the Society of Mary has got something to contribute towards you. This is not a matter of take over mentality. That is completely foreign to anything Marist. Marists support whatever is good and whatever is holy. Marists want to give full support to all of that. What we are saying is you need a spirituality for it. You need a way of relating to God, your neighbour and the world around. We can help to give you such a spirituality. If you have got one already, we think we can enrich it, especially by building up in your life the Marian dimension. I suppose as an initial first step this is not a bad global view. The other global view.

If you want a good talker, give me Colin. If you want someone who gets things done, give me Champagnat. Colin spoke of the whole world Marist. Mary has got a central place in the Gospels. She has got a central place in all our salvation. She has a place in every life. The Marist challenge is for Mary to take her role in every life. We live a pluralist world. What about non Catholics? What about those of other faiths like Muslims?………

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