Unit 1

   - Call and Mission of Moses

Follow the following parts of the program. Share the program with your community, school or family. This could be conducted in a small group setting or as a larger group.
Part A - Read the scripture together
    Exodus 2:11-22 - Moses Flees to Midian
    Exodus 2:23-25 – Slavery
    Exodus 3:1-15 – Moses at the burning bush
    Exodus 32 - The Golden Calf
    Exodus 33:7-11 - The Tent outside the Camp
    Deuteronomy 31:1-8 - Joshua Becomes Moses’ Successor
Part B - Listen to reflections below

Part C - Questions for prayerful reflection and discussion:
    How does God ACT in Moses?
    How does Moses re-act?
    - What strikes YOU in the call of Moses?
Part D - Sharing insights and discussion

Part E - Common Prayer

Reflections on Mission of Moses
We saw Moses as God's special instrument, especially chosen and prepared. We added that God brought about a CHANGE in Moses —a purification, as time went on. We felt that in spite of his fear, he acted in faith. He could see the Hand of the Lord in his own life, e.g., in the Burning Bush.

Moses is one with whom God shared his thought; God acts with patience and encouragement. Moses reacts with humility and obedience, although much doubt and groaning is done.

We see God had the right to call and Moses accepted the call with humility. 'God chose the weakest to convert the strong.'

Moses ' need of returning often to the Lord for encouragement and help with the people. Moses' need for strong symbols, such as the burning bush to strengthen his belief and trust in the Lord.

Moses responds in Faith the God. He must open himself to the great power that comes from God and do God's will. Likewise, all ministers of the Gospel must be servants of God.. not leaders of parties. Moses did God's will and the people answered his call. We learn the importance of prayer, of being alone with God, of withdrawing from the crowd and everyday business. When Moses prayed the people lived in the presence of God. The Tent was seen as a symbol of our Churches and Chapels .. we know by faith that God is present in the Blessed Sacrament.

Moses was not given the glory of leading his people into the Promised Land. So too in our lives.. as individuals and as a Congregation.. we labour and sometimes others get the glory.. humility and generosity are necessary in our lives. Moses urged the people to trust God. During his life's work, he learned and under his guidance the people also learned that God is a God who is faithful and merciful, a Cod who is Love.

The Call of Moses can be likened to the Call of Abraham and the Call of Mary. Both responded in great faith and were given a new mission. Moses prefigured Christ. Jesus gave food to the hungry multitudes in the desert; Moses gave manna to the Hebrews.

Moses liberated the chosen people from slavery in Egypt; Christ liberated us from the slavery of sin. God chooses whom He desires and works through them to help and save his people. He gives freely and wants a free response.

    showed concern for his people;
    showed impetuosity in his action.
    when God called, Moses' reaction was hesitant
    -he felt inadequate as a messenger.
    He was afraid that people would not accept him
    - but finally submitted, showing his humility;
    showed a positive growth in faith and confidence in God.
    had reverence for God,
    yet at the same time he had the courage to intercede for the people.
    changed Moses and gave him qualities of strength and courage;
    is ever faithful, merciful, ever—present
    A vocation to fulfil a special role is God's plan of salvation.
    A vocation comes from God
    and it needs a response,
    just as Moses responded.
God called him — He knew Moses' strengths and weaknesses, yet despite weaknesses, God chose him for a very special mission. The people see Moses as a man, in constant touch with God. He leads them in worship.

We see Moses as God's special instrument, chosen by God, prepared by God for his mission, often in ways which are mysterious to us. God is with Moses constantly, as he tries to carry out this works Then as the mission is nearing completion God hands over the work to Joshua. This reminds us of Our Lords' words ' one sows, another reaps'.

Moses cared and was concerned for the people of God; he was ready and willing to give up his own freedom and security so that he might be of some support and help to them. Injustice to a fellow Hebrew drove him even to kill.

God's plan to save His people was being accomplished because Moses was being brought into contact with them again. A practical lesson for us is that we should be ready and willing to give up any selfishness in order to support and help others. I must be careful to overcome all injustice or prejudice to those who are less educated; less privileged than I am.

Perhaps at first Moses responded to God's call only through curiosity but at least he made the approach to God. In our own lives we must let God know we are willing to respond even though we don't know what God has in store for us.

Whatever task is given to me I can take courage in knowing that God will be with me also. Moses talked with God as a friend, daily. This same relationship will be ours through our daily contact with God in prayer. God is faithful to his word. God will not abandon us or fail us and we must pray for great confidence in God. God is at the head of all our endeavours, we are only his co-workers, instruments in helping Him to bring about the salvation of all.

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