A Marian Church

I would like to plead for a Marian church; not for a church which multiplies processions and blesses huge statues ... rather a church which 'lives the Gospel after the manner of Mary'.

The Marian Church follows Mary into the mountains, going off with her to encounter life; she visits men and women, and, though things may seem to be sterile, she is on the watch for what is coming to birth, for possibilities, for the life which beats in things.

The Marian Church rejoices and sings. Instead of bemoaning its fate and the world's woes, she is in wonder at the beauty there is on the earth and in the human heart; as she sees what God is doing there.

The Marian Church knows that she is the object of a gratuitous love, and that God has the heart of a mother. She has seen God on the doorstep, on the lookout for the improbable return of a son; she has seen God throw his arms round the son's neck, place the festal ring on his finger, and himself organize the home-coming feast. When she pages through the family album, she sees Zacchaeus in his sycamore, the woman taken in adultery, the Samaritan woman, foreigners, the lepers, beggars and a common prisoner at his place of execution. So you see, the Marian church despairs of no one, and does not quench the smoking flax. When she sees someone on the side of the road wounded by life, she is moved by compassion, and with infinite tenderness tends their wounds. She is the safe harbor, who is always open, the refuge of sinners, mater misericordiae, mother of mercy.

The Marian Church does not know the answers before the questions are asked. Her path is not traced out in advance. She knows doubt and unease, night and loneliness. That is the price of trust. She takes her part in the conversation, but makes no claim to know everything. She accepts that she must search.

The Marian Church lives in Nazareth in silence and simplicity. She does not live in a palace. Her home is like all the other homes. She goes out to chat with the other villagers. She weeps with them, she rejoices with them, but she never preaches to them. Above all she listens.

The Marian Church stands at the foot of the cross. She does not take refuge in a fortress or in a chapel or in prudent silence when people are being crushed. She is vulnerable in her deeds and in her words. With a humble courage she stands alongside the most insignificant.

The Marian Church lets in the wind of Pentecost, the wind which impels one to go out, which unties tongues. In the public square, not for the sake of .hammering doctrine, nor to swell her ranks, she proclaims her message: the promise has been kept, the fight has been won and the dragon crushed forever. And this is the great secret which she can only murmur: to win the victory God has laid down his arms. True, we are in an intermediate time, the time of human history. And that history is a painful one.

Yet every evening at the end of vespers the church sings the Magnificat. For the church knows where her joy is to be found. And look: God has not found our world or its afflictions, its violence or its wickedness uninhabitable. It is there that he has met us. And there, on the cross, we have seen the 'mercy' the open heart of God.

There at the foot of the cross a people was born, a Marian people. Seeing his mother and near her the disciple whom he loved, Jesus said to his mother: 'Woman, this is your son.' Then to his disciple he said: 'This is your mother.' From that moment, the disciple made a place for her in his home.

Brothers and sisters, let us belong to this people. Let us make a place for Mary in our home. Let us enter with her into the 'humble and heart-rending happiness' of loving and being loved. And, in the words of Therese of Lisieux, the church will be in this world, 'a heart resplendent with love'.

Journal and reflect on the following questions
  1. Living the Gospel Like Mary – The document speaks of a Marian Church that “lives the Gospel after the manner of Mary.” In what ways can you personally embody this Marian way of living in your daily life?
  2. Encountering Life and New Possibilities – The Marian Church follows Mary “into the mountains” and seeks out new life even in seemingly barren places. Where in your life or community do you see signs of hope and renewal? How can you nurture them?
  3. Compassion and Mercy – The Marian Church is described as “the refuge of sinners” and a place of infinite tenderness. How can the Church today, both as an institution and as individual members, better reflect this spirit of mercy and openness?
  4. Faith in Uncertainty – The text acknowledges that the Marian Church “does not know the answers before the questions are asked” and that faith includes doubt and searching. How do you navigate moments of spiritual doubt, and what role does trust play in your faith journey?
  5. Simplicity and Presence – The Marian Church “lives in Nazareth” with simplicity, listening rather than preaching. How does this call to simplicity and presence challenge or inspire your approach to faith and relationships?
  6. Standing at the Foot of the Cross – The Marian Church does not hide from suffering but stands with the afflicted. What does it mean for you to stand with those who are suffering, and how can you do so in a way that reflects Christ’s love?
  7. The Victory of Love – The document speaks of God’s victory being achieved not through power, but through self-giving love. How does this perspective challenge conventional views of success and strength in your own life and in society?
Song - Mary Did you know

Final Prayer - Magnificat

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant.
From this day all generations will call me blessed:
the Almighty has done great things for me,
and holy is his Name.
He has mercy on those who fear him
in every generation.
He has shown the strength of his arm,
he has scattered the proud in their conceit.
He has cast down the mighty from their thrones,
and has lifted up the lowly.
He has filled the hungry with good things,
and the rich he has sent away empty.
He has come to the help of his servant Israel
for he has remembered his promise of mercy,
the promise he made to our fathers,
to Abraham and his children forever.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.

Steve Agrisano - The Magnificat

Salva Regina

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