What Are You Attached To?

   - Father Jim

In Father Jim's homily, he shares a personal experience from his pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago. After walking 800 kilometers, he arrived early at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela to secure a good seat for Mass. However, just before Mass began, an older man struggled to find a seat in the crowded church. Father Jim's friend, Josh, selflessly offered his seat to the man, demonstrating an act of kindness that left Father Jim reflecting on his own attachment to his plans and comfort.

Father Jim contrasts his reaction with that of Josh, who, being unattached to the seat, freely gave it away, embodying a Christlike attitude. He connects this experience with the Gospel reading of the day, where Jesus challenges a rich young man to give up his wealth to follow Him. The young man’s attachment to his possessions prevented him from fully committing to Christ. Father Jim explains that, like the rich young man, people can be attached not just to wealth but to other aspects of life, such as success, security, or even small things like seats in church, which can hinder their spiritual freedom.

The homily concludes by distinguishing between Christian and Eastern spiritualities, particularly Buddhism, in terms of detachment. While Buddhism teaches detachment for its own sake, Christian spirituality calls for detachment to enable followers to be free for something greater—namely, the ability to follow Jesus. Father Jim emphasizes the importance of being free from attachments so that we can respond to God’s call and love others freely, just as Josh did by giving up his seat.

Journal and reflect on the following questions
  1. What are the things in my life that I might be overly attached to, whether material possessions, personal plans, or comfort, that could be hindering my spiritual growth?
  2. How can I practice being more present in the moment, like Josh, and respond to opportunities for kindness and service without holding on to my own needs or desires?
  3. In what ways might my attachments—whether to security, success, or relationships—be preventing me from fully following Jesus and being open to God's plans for my life?
  4. How can I cultivate a mindset of detachment in a way that leads to greater freedom to love, serve, and respond to God's call in my daily life?
  5. Reflecting on the example of the rich young man, what are the “riches” in my life—literal or metaphorical—that I struggle to let go of, and how might releasing them bring me closer to God?Discuss

    The Camino Song

    Movie - The Way

    Final Prayer

    Heavenly Father, we come before You with open hearts, seeking the freedom to let go of all that holds us back from fully following You. Help us to release our attachments to comfort, control, and worldly possessions, that we may live with the kind of faith and selflessness that mirrors the love of Christ. Grant us the grace to trust in Your plans, to be present in each moment, and to act with compassion and humility. May we find true freedom in surrendering to Your will, so that we can love and serve others as You call us to, in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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Father Jim McKeon

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