Lazarus is Raised from the Dead

   - John 11:1


In this powerful scene from The Chosen, Jesus arrives in Bethany after Lazarus has already died. Martha, heartbroken and confused, expresses her sorrow and disappointment, telling Jesus that if He had been there, her brother would not have died. Despite her grief, she still trusts that God will grant whatever Jesus asks. Jesus reassures her that Lazarus will rise again, but He clarifies that He is not just speaking of the resurrection at the end of time—He is the resurrection and the life. He asks Martha if she believes this, and she affirms her faith in Him as the Christ, even without fully understanding.

Meanwhile, Mary, also mourning, approaches Jesus in deep sorrow and questions why He delayed His arrival. Overcome with emotion, Jesus does not offer explanations but instead shares in their grief, visibly moved by the pain of His friends. He then asks to be taken to Lazarus’ tomb. When He commands the stone to be removed, Martha hesitates, warning that the body has been there for four days and will have an odor. Jesus gently reminds her to trust in God’s glory, urging her to focus on faith rather than doubt. At His command, the stone is rolled away.Jesus then prays aloud, thanking the Father for hearing Him, speaking not for Himself but so that those around might believe that He was sent by God. With divine authority, He calls out, 'Lazarus, come out!' In an astonishing moment, Lazarus, wrapped in burial cloths, emerges from the tomb, alive once more. The crowd, overwhelmed and in awe, witnesses an undeniable miracle, revealing Jesus' power over death.

As Lazarus is unbound and reunited with his loved ones, the scene closes with the sheer joy and wonder of the moment. The miracle serves as a profound demonstration of Jesus' divine identity and foreshadows His own resurrection. Through this act, Jesus confirms that physical death is not the end for those who believe in Him, offering hope that transcends human understanding

Journal and reflect on the following
  1. Trusting in God’s Timing – Martha and Mary struggled to understand why Jesus delayed coming to heal Lazarus. Have you ever experienced a time when God seemed absent or slow to respond? How did you handle it, and what did you learn about faith and patience?
  2. Faith in the Midst of Grief – Martha declared her belief in Jesus as the Christ even before she saw the miracle. How can we hold onto faith in times of deep sorrow or uncertainty?
  3. Jesus’ Compassion – Before raising Lazarus, Jesus wept with Mary and Martha. What does this tell us about how Jesus responds to our pain and suffering? How does this influence the way we comfort others?
  4. The Power of Jesus’ Words – Jesus calls Lazarus out of the tomb with authority, demonstrating His power over death. How does this miracle strengthen your understanding of Jesus as the resurrection and the life?
  5. Obstacles to Faith – Martha hesitated when Jesus asked to remove the stone, worried about the smell of decay. What “stones” in your life—doubts, fears, or past wounds—keep you from fully trusting in God's power?
  6. A Call to New Life – Lazarus emerges from the tomb still wrapped in burial cloths, and Jesus instructs others to unbind him. How might God be calling you to step out of “spiritual burial cloths” and into a new life of faith and freedom?
  7. Belief vs. Understanding – Jesus told Martha, 'Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?' How can we learn to trust in God’s glory even when we don’t fully understand His ways?

Song - Come Alive

Final Prayer

Jesus, You are the resurrection and the life, the One who calls us out of darkness and into new life. Just as You wept with Mary and Martha, You meet us in our sorrow, reminding us that death and despair do not have the final word. Help us to trust in Your perfect timing, even when we do not understand, and to believe in Your power to bring life where all seems lost. Remove the stones of doubt and fear from our hearts, and call us into the fullness of life with You. Strengthen our faith so that we may walk in hope, knowing that with You, nothing is beyond You. Amen.

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