Wonder tells the story of Auggie Pullman, a young boy born with Treacher Collins syndrome, which has caused facial differences that make him stand out. After years of homeschooling, his parents decide to enroll him in Beecher Prep, a private middle school, where he faces challenges in making friends and dealing with bullies. His first days are difficult, as many students stare or avoid him, but he gradually befriends Jack Will, a kindhearted classmate, and Summer, who chooses to sit with him at lunch. Despite these friendships, Auggie still experiences moments of exclusion and cruelty, particularly from Julian, the school bully.
The film also explores the perspectives of those around Auggie, including his older sister Via, who struggles with feeling overlooked as her parents focus on Auggie’s needs. Via, longing for her own identity, joins a school play and strengthens her own friendships. Meanwhile, Jack faces peer pressure but ultimately stands up for Auggie, reinforcing their friendship. Through these shifting viewpoints, the movie highlights how Auggie’s presence impacts the lives of those around him, illustrating themes of empathy and resilience.
As the school year progresses, Auggie gains confidence, and his classmates begin to accept him for who he is beyond his appearance. A turning point occurs during a school retreat, where Auggie and Jack are confronted by older bullies. However, some of Julian’s former friends come to their defense, showing how much attitudes have changed. Julian, who refuses to change his ways, is eventually expelled. Auggie, once an outsider, now feels truly embraced by his classmates and the school community.
The movie concludes with Auggie receiving the school’s top academic award, a recognition not just of his intelligence but of his courage and kindness. As he stands on stage, he reflects on his journey, realizing that he has not only found acceptance but has also inspired others to be kinder. The film delivers a powerful message about the importance of kindness, acceptance, and looking beyond appearances, leaving viewers with an uplifting and heartwarming lesson.
How does Auggie’s journey at Beecher Prep reflect the challenges of being different, and how do his classmates’ attitudes change over time?
What role does friendship play in the movie, and how do characters like Jack Will and Summer show kindness in meaningful ways?
How does Via’s perspective highlight the struggles of siblings of children with special needs, and how does she find her own identity?
Julian represents bullying in the story—what do you think leads people to bully others, and how can we respond to bullying with kindness and courage?
The movie emphasizes the importance of small acts of kindness. What are some ways you can practice kindness in your daily life, especially toward those who may feel excluded?
Auggie’s parents play a crucial role in supporting him—how does family influence a child’s confidence and resilience?
Mr. Browne’s precepts in the movie encourage students to live with kindness and integrity. Which of his precepts stood out to you, and how can you apply it in your own life?
Song - 'Darker' by Hannah Faye
Final Prayer
Loving and compassionate God, You have created each of us in Your image, beautifully unique and wonderfully made. Help us to see one another with the same kindness and love that You see in us. Teach us to embrace those who feel different or alone, to offer friendship without hesitation, and to stand up for what is right, even when it is difficult. Like Auggie, may we find the courage to be ourselves, knowing that true strength comes from within. Like his friends and family, may we always choose kindness, recognizing that even small acts of love can transform a life. Lord, fill our hearts with empathy, humility, and gratitude, so that we may help create a world where everyone feels valued and accepted. Amen.