Marist Laity - A Basic Guide

The Spirituality

Mother Mary and her son on the cross

General Characteristics
of Marist Groups

Marist Groups

  2. Say 'No' to Greed, Pride and Power: The spirit of the World

Marists make a stand against greed, pride and power - the spirit of the world which is opposed to the spirit of Mary. This attitude is one of the essential elements of the Marist way. The desire for money, power and personal aggrandisement can subtly enter into people's lives, and cripple them spiritually. The consequences of these tendencies are that they limit the effectiveness of one who wishes to present the Gospel of Jesus. Marists are invited to follow in the footsteps of Mary by keeping their eyes fixed on God alone and on the kingdom. Taking a personal stand against the crippling forces of greed, pride and power Marists develop the inner freedom to be faithful disciples of Jesus in the manner of Mary, and build a Christian community which has Mary's face.

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Basic Guide

Published by Marist Fathers,
Via Alessandro Poerio, 63
00152 Roma, Italia

Marist Cross and shield

Marist Laity Australia

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Mary is the outsider who God chose to bring to the centre.