A Simple Pattern

Jeanne Marie Chavoin


On 8 December 1824 the villagers crowded into the parish church of Cerdon to witness on amazing ceremony. Father Pierre Colin, as parish priest, presided. He was assisted by his brother, Fr Jean-Claude Colin and another priest who was part of the Fourviere group, Fr Etienne Dectas. The event about to take place was the first official ceremony of the Society of Mary - the first novices were about to be received in the women's branch of the society. This is the first formal step in becoming a religious sister. They would put on a habit, the special clothing of the congregation, and they would be given a religious name.

Before the three priests stood nine women - Jeanne-Marie Chavoin, Marie Jotillon, Marie's niece, Jeanne-Marie's cousin and five girls from Cerdon families, including the one who used to sit on the step. A tenth candidate was too ill to be present and was received in her own home later. The families who lived nearby were there and so was Jeanne-Marie's mother who was now free of family responsibilities and had offered to be housekeeper for the priests.

Everyone in the church listened intently as Fr Pierre asked these dedicated young women if they had thought seriously about this important step they were taking. They replied that they had. He went on:

'My daughters, by clothing yourselves with the holy habit of the Blessed Virgin, you are undertaking to walk in her footsteps ... Are you resolved to be faithful for your whole life to all that the rule of the Congregation imposes on you.'

When they had all promised to be faithful, they left the church for a few minutes. Soon they returned each wearing a peasant style dark blue serge dress with a short white cape (called a pelerine) and a short blue veil of coarse muslin. The material was of very ordinary quality and strong enough to avoid the need of starching or ironing

The new novices were given special religious names. Jeanne-Marie Chavoin, chosen as the superior, was known from then on as Mother St Joseph. Her friend was called simply Sister Marie and became her official assistant.

The group then gathered at the foot of Our Lady's statue and prayed, promising to try with all their hearts to be faithful daughters to this good and tender Mother who that very day had received them into her family.

  1. Introduction

  2. Born at a difficult time

  3. Growing Up

  4. Forever Friends

  5. Called by God - but for what?

  6. Waiting is hard

  7. The Letter

  8. At last - a sign

  9. Up Hill Start

  10. The First Community

  11. A Special Ceremony

  12. Moving On

  13. Difficult Times

  14. A New Beginning

  15. A Time to Go

  16. A Final Word

18 January 2021

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Marist Sisters

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As you read the story of Jeanne-Marie Chavoin, look for the pattern she chose to help her become the kind of person she wanted to be.

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Mary is the outsider who God chose to bring to the centre.