A Simple Pattern

Jeanne Marie Chavoin

Called by God – but for what?

Soon Jeanne-Marie and Marie began to talk to one another about giving their whole lives to God. They knew about religious orders - groups of women who chose - instead of marrying and having their own family - to live together very simply and spend their lives in prayer to God and service of others. However, these two from Coutouvre were not interested in joining any of the religious groups they knew. Jeanne­Marie, in particular, was determined to wait for some sign from God before deciding just how and where she could become a religious sister.

While they waited, the two young women had plenty to do. Jeanne­Marie assisted in her father's tailor shop and Marie helped care for her elderly parents at home. Jeanne-Marie continued to help father Guillermet with his classes and looking after the church. Both were known to be very faithful to prayer and very kind to those who were sick in the parish. They were also members of a group started by Jeon-Philibert Lefranc. It was called the Association of Divine Love. With eight other women they followed a plan for their lives set out for them by Jean­Philibert - they showed their love for God by setting aside times for prayer and then they shared God's love by caring for people who lived round about. They did this in a quiet, almost secret way, so as not to attract attention to themselves.

However, even though they never made a show of the good things they were doing, people soon recognised both Jeanne-Marie and Marie as rather special young women. One of these was a new priest who came to Coutouvre to assist father Guiller met. This was Father Pierre Colin who stayed there for four years and was to play an important part in their story.

  1. Introduction

  2. Born at a difficult time

  3. Growing Up

  4. Forever Friends

  5. Called by God - but for what?

  6. Waiting is hard

  7. The Letter

  8. At last - a sign

  9. Up Hill Start

  10. The First Community

  11. A Special Ceremony

  12. Moving On

  13. Difficult Times

  14. A New Beginning

  15. A Time to Go

  16. A Final Word

18 January 2021

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Source Name
Marist Sisters

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As you read the story of Jeanne-Marie Chavoin, look for the pattern she chose to help her become the kind of person she wanted to be.

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Mary is the outsider who God chose to bring to the centre.