A Simple Pattern

Jeanne Marie Chavoin


Jeanne-Marie could not hide her joy on receiving Bishop Devie's permission. She went immediately to the school where her dear friend, Marie, was teaching and shored the exciting news! The waiting was over. Together they returned to Cerdon to begin their new life.

On 8 September 1823 the Congregation of Mary began with the two life-long friends from Coutouvre living in a borrowed room. Their Account Book shows that they had a few choirs and benches, a wardrobe. a clock, a stove, a table and beds, some crockery and kitchen utensils. and finally a few provisions: fire wood, grain, wine and flour.

A few weeks later they moved into their first residence and were joined by Marie Jotillon's niece, Marie Gardet, who is considered one of the original pioneers of the Marist Sisters. They had rented two rooms which they could enter by an outside staircase. The land around the house was overgrown and damp. The floor of their rooms had holes right through and underneath were the stables.

Years later Jeanne-Marie liked to recall how poor they were and used to say that the landlord's horse was better housed than the first sisters . Yet they were extremely happy - so much so that one of the young village girls used to Jove to sit on the step of their staircase and toke in the atmosphere of that little community. She joined them later when her parents considered her old enough to leave home. In the meantime the first person to join the little community was Jeanne­Marie’s first cousin. As it happened she was quite a difficult person and found it hard at first to get used to community life. However, the example and loving patience of the others had a wonderful effect on her.

During those first six months, Jeanne-Marie became very ill and almost died. The little group did all they could to care for her and they prayed with all their hearts. In spite of the doctor's concerns she recovered and was able to toke up her usual tasks once more. It was decided to move into a second residence - perhaps because of the damp around the house and also to allow for more members. Very so􀀳n the community grew to 10. These young girls were prepared to leave quite comfortable homes to come to the poor rooms rented from a land lady who was very unkind ways to and the sisters. their They simple were life style attracted _ by praying, doing good for those who needed help and sewing to make their living.

  1. Introduction

  2. Born at a difficult time

  3. Growing Up

  4. Forever Friends

  5. Called by God - but for what?

  6. Waiting is hard

  7. The Letter

  8. At last - a sign

  9. Up Hill Start

  10. The First Community

  11. A Special Ceremony

  12. Moving On

  13. Difficult Times

  14. A New Beginning

  15. A Time to Go

  16. A Final Word

18 January 2021

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Marist Sisters

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As you read the story of Jeanne-Marie Chavoin, look for the pattern she chose to help her become the kind of person she wanted to be.

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Mary is the outsider who God chose to bring to the centre.