Sources of Good Works

   - Natural Law

   - SICT

1. In your exercise book

'Sources of Good Work'


For each of these videos - write 15 to 20 key points for each. Use FULL sentences.

Natural Law Theory: Crash Course Philosophy #34

The Natural Law (Aquinas 101)

Natural Law Explained in 10 min


Read the following 'Scenarios' and the 'Approach of natural law'.

Create your own scenario and 'Approach of natural law' in your exercise book.

Scenario 1

Samantha is struggling in her math class, and her final exam is coming up. If she fails, she may not pass the course, and this could affect her future opportunities. Her friend offers to let her copy answers during the test. Samantha is tempted because she believes passing is more important than following the rules.

Natural Law Approach:
Natural Law Theory, based on principles of reason and morality, upholds honesty, integrity, and justice as fundamental goods. Cheating violates the natural inclination toward truth and fairness. Even if Samantha benefits in the short term, dishonesty corrupts her character and undermines the integrity of the educational system. She should study hard and do her best, trusting that acting morally is more important than temporary success.

Scenario 2

David and his friends are at a party where alcohol is being served. Although they are underage, his friends pressure him to drink excessively to prove he belongs in their group. He knows that drinking too much could impair his judgment, harm his health, and lead to dangerous situations, but he fears being left out if he refuses.

Natural Law Approach:
According to Natural Law, humans are meant to act in ways that support their well-being and rational nature. Excessive drinking harms the body, weakens self-control, and impairs moral decision-making, which goes against the good of human flourishing. David should recognize that true friendship is built on mutual respect, not reckless behavior. He should refuse the pressure and instead make choices that honor his dignity and reason.

Scenario 3

Michael is part of a popular group at school. His friends frequently make fun of another student, Ethan, for being different. At first, Michael just watches, but eventually, he joins in to fit in. He feels guilty but also enjoys the approval of his friends. Ethan, meanwhile, becomes more withdrawn and suffers emotionally.

Natural Law Approach:
Natural Law teaches that every human being has intrinsic dignity and is meant to live in harmony with others. Bullying violates the natural purpose of human relationships, which should be rooted in justice, kindness, and respect. Michael should recognize that his actions harm Ethan and contradict the good of human flourishing. Instead of bullying, he should stand up for Ethan and promote kindness, even if it means losing popularity.


Share your 'Scenario' and 'Natural Law Approach' with at least 3 other people.

And comment - What is good? What could be improved? What questions does this raise?

Copy a brief summary of each to your own exercise book.

At the end,
Take a photo of your work and post the images here for marking.

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